Calcium and Bone Metabolism Questions

Normal Laboratory Reference values

 Laboratory TestNormal Range in US UnitsNormal Range in SI UnitsTo Convert U.S. to SI Units
ALT (Alanine aminotransferase)F 7-30 units/LF 0.12-0.50 µkat/Lx 0.01667
M 10-55 units/LM 0.17-0.92 µkat/L
Albumin3.1 – 4.3 g/dL31 – 43 g/Lx 10
Alkaline PhosphataseF 30-100 units/L

M 45-115 units/L

F 0.5-1.67 µkat/L

M 0.75-1.92 µkat/L

x 0.01667
Amylase (Serum)53-123 units/L0.88-2.05 nkat/Lx 0.01667
AST (Aspartate aminotransferase)F 9-25 units/LF 0.15-0.42 µkat/Lx 0.01667
M 10-40 units/LM 0.17-0.67 µkat/L
Basophils 0-3% of lymphocytes0.0-0.03 fraction of white blood cellsx 0.01
Bilirubin – Direct0.0-0.4 mg/dL0-7 µmol/Lx 17.1
Bilirubin – Total0.0-1.0 mg/dL0-17 µmol/L
Blood pressureNormal: 120/70 to 120/80 millimeters of mercury (mmHg).  Top number is systolic pressure, when heart is pumping. Bottom number is diastolic pressure when heart is at rest. Blood pressure can be too low (hypotension) or too high (hypertension).No conversion
C peptide0.5-2.0 ng/mL0.17-0.66 nmol/Lx 0.33
Calcium, serum8.5-10.5 mg/dL2.1-2.6 mmol/Lx 0.25
Calcium, urine0-300 mg/24hr0.0-7.5 mmol/24hrx 0.025
CO2 (Bicarbonate)20-32 mmol/L20-32 mmol/LNo conversion
Chloride95-108 mmol/L95-108 mmol/LNo conversion
Cholesterol, Total<200 mg/dL<5.17 mmol/Lx 0.02586
Marginal200-239 mg/dL5.17-6.18 mmol/L
High>239 mg/dl>6.18 mmol/L
Cholesterol, LDL<100 mg/dL<2.59 mmol/L
Marginal100-159 mg/dL2.59-4.14 mmol/L
High160-189 mg/dL4.14 – 4.89 mmol/L
Very High>190 mg/dL>4.91 mmol/L
Cholesterol, HDL>60 mg/dL>1.55 mmol/L
Moderate40-60 mg/dL1.03-1.55 mmol/L
Low (heart risk)<40 mg/dL<1.03 mmol/L
Cortisol: serum

free (urine)

0-25 µg/dL (depends on time of day) 0-690 nmol/Lx 27.59
20-70 µg/dL55-193 nmol/24hrx 2.759
Creatine kinaseF 40-150 units/L

M 60-400 units/L

F 0.67-2.50 µkat/L

M 1.00-6.67 µkat/L

x 0.01667
Creatinine (urine)F 0.6-1.8 g/day

M 0.8-2.4 g/day

F 5.3-15.9 mmol/day

M 7.1-21.2 mmol/day

x 88.4
DHEAF 130-980 ng/dL

M 180-1250 ng/dL

F 4.5-34.0 nmol/L

M 6.24-43.3 nmol/L

x 0.03467
DHEA SulfateF Pre-menopause: 12-535 µg/dLF Pre-menopause: 120-5350 µg/Lx 10
F Post-menopause: 30-260 µg/dLF Post-menopause: 300-2600 µg/L
M 10-619 µg/dLM 100-6190 µg/L
Eosinophils0-8% of white blood cells0.0-0.8 fraction of white blood cellsx 0.01
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (Sed Rate)F £ 30 mm/h

M £ 20 mm/h

F £ 30 mm/h

M £ 20 mm/h

No conversion
Folate3.1-17.5 ng/mL7.0-39.7 nmol/Lx 2.266
Glucose, urine<0.05 g/dl<0.003 mmol/Lx 0.05551
Glucose, plasma70-110 mg/dL3.9-6.1 mmol/L
Gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT)F £ 45 U/L

M £ 65 U/L

F £ 45 U/L

M £ 65 U/L

No conversion
Laboratory TestNormal Range in U.S. UnitsNormal Range in SI UnitsTo Convert US to SI Units
HematocritF 36.0-46.0% of red blood cellsF 0.36-0.46 fraction of red blood cellsx 0.01
M 37.0-49.0% of red blood cellsM 0.37-0.49 fraction of red blood cells
HemoglobinF 12.0-16.0 g/dL

M 13.0-18.0 g/dL

F 7.4-9.9 mmol/L

M 8.1-11.2 mmol/L

x 0.6206
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) (total)£ 270 U/L£ 4.5 µkat/LX 0.016667
Lactic acid0.5-2.2 mmol/L0.5-2.2 mmol/LNo conversion
Leukocytes (WBC)4.5-11.0 x 103/mm34.5-11.0 x 109/literNo conversion
Lymphocytes16-46% of white blood cells0.16-0.46 fraction of white blood cellsx 0.01
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH)25.0-35.0 pg/cell25.0-35.0 pg/cellNo conversion
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)31.0-37.0 g/dL310-370 g/Lx 10
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)F 78-102 µm3

M 78-100 µm3

F 78-102 fl

M 78-100 fl

No conversion
Monocytes4-11% of white blood cells0.04-0.11 fraction of white blood cellsx 0.01
Neutrophils45-75% of white blood cells0.45-0.75 fraction of white blood cellsx 0.01
Phosphorus2.5-4.5 mg/dL0.81-1.45 mmol/LX 0.323
Platelets (Thrombocytes)130-400 x 103/µL130-400 x 109/LNo conversion
Potassium3.4-5.0 mmol/L3.4-5.0 mmol/literNo conversion
Red Blood Cell Count (RBC)F 3.9-5.2 x 106/µL

M 4.4–5.8 x 106/µL

F 3.9-5.2 x 1012/L

M W 4.4-5.8 x 1012/L

No conversion
Sodium135-145 mmol/liter135-145 mmol/literNo conversion
Testosterone, total (morning sample)F 6-86 ng/dLF 0.21-2.98 nmol/liter x 0.03467
M 270-1070 ng/dLM 9.36-37.10 nmol/liter
Testosterone,  Age 20-40


Unbound         Age 41-60


Age 61-80

F 0.6-3.1 pg/mL

M 15.0-40.0 pg/mL

F 20.8-107.5 pmol/liter

M 520-1387 pmol/liter

x 34.67
F 0.4-2.5 pg/mL

M 13.0-35.0 pg/mL

F 13.9-86.7 pmol/liter

M 451-1213 pmol/liter

F 0.2-2.0 pg/mL

M 12.0-28.0 pg/mL

F 6.9-69.3 pmol/liter

M 416-971 pmol/liter

Triglycerides         Normal

(fasting)           Borderline


Very High

40-150 mg/dL

150-200 mg/dL

200-500 mg/dL

>500 mg/dL

0.45-1.69 mmol/liter

1.69-2.26 mmol/liter

2.26-5.65 mmol/liter

>5.65 mmol/liter

x 0.01129
Urea, plasma (BUN)8-25 mg/dL2.9-8.9 mmol/literx 0.357
Urinalysis: pH

Specific gravity

5.0-9.05.0-9.0No conversion
WBC (White blood cells, Leukocytes)4.5-11.0 x 103/mm34.5-11.0 x 109/literNo conversion

Calcium and Bone Metabolism Questions
