MyEndoConsult is a free online publication site in endocrinology that welcomes articles from medical students, residents, fellows, attendings, and other healthcare professionals with expertise in the field of endocrinology.
While we are not a medical journal, we do maintain high standards regarding the accuracy and validity of the information presented in the articles.
We encourage authors to submit original, unpublished work that covers a wide range of topics in endocrinology, including but not limited to diabetes, thyroid disorders, reproductive endocrinology, adrenal disorders, pituitary disorders, and bone and mineral disorders. The articles should be informative and educational and may include case reports, literature reviews, clinical trials, or commentary on current issues in endocrinology.
Articles (Blog Posts)
To ensure that the articles meet our standards, authors should follow the guidelines listed below:
- Accuracy of information: Articles should be based on sound scientific principles and evidence-based medicine. The information presented should be current, accurate, and referenced properly with appropriate sources.
- Originality: Articles should be original and not have been published elsewhere. Authors are responsible for ensuring that their work is not plagiarized and does not infringe on any copyrights.
- Clarity and conciseness: Articles should be well-organized, easy to read, and written in plain language that is understandable to a wide audience. The article should also be concise, and not exceed 2000 words.
- Formatting: Articles should be submitted in Microsoft Word format, double-spaced with 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins on all sides. Tables, figures, and references should be placed at the end of the article.
- References: References should be cited in-text using the AMA citation style. A list of references should be included at the end of the article.
- Authorship: All authors must meet the criteria for authorship and should have contributed significantly to the research, writing, or editing of the article. Authors should disclose any conflicts of interest or funding sources.
- Review process: All articles will undergo a peer-review process by experts in the field of endocrinology. Authors will be notified of the status of their submission within four weeks of submission.
By following these guidelines, authors can ensure that their work meets the standards of MyEndoConsult and provides readers with valuable, accurate, and informative content on endocrinology.
Question Bank/Quiz Content
Here are some author guidelines for writing questions for a quiz in endocrinology:
- Ensure accuracy: All questions should be based on accurate and up-to-date information from credible sources. Use peer-reviewed literature, clinical practice guidelines, and other reliable sources to ensure the accuracy of your questions.
- Be clear and concise: Questions should be written in a clear and concise manner to ensure that the reader understands the question and can provide a relevant answer. Avoid using jargon or complex language that may confuse the reader.
- Use multiple-choice format: Multiple-choice format is a popular choice for quizzes. Each question should have four or five options. Be sure to include one correct answer and three or four distractors.
- Ensure balance: Ensure that the distractors are plausible and that they do not give any unintended clues to the correct answer. Avoid using misleading or ambiguous language in the questions.
- Cover a range of topics: It is important to cover a range of topics within endocrinology to provide a comprehensive quiz. Ensure that the questions cover all aspects of endocrinology, including diagnosis, management, and treatment.
- Be mindful of difficulty: Questions should be tailored to the audience. Consider the level of knowledge of the audience and adjust the level of difficulty accordingly. If the quiz is designed for endocrinology fellows preparing for the boards, the questions should be challenging and reflect the complexity of the board exams.
- Provide explanations: Each question should have a brief explanation of the correct answer to help the reader understand the topic in more detail. This is particularly important for those preparing for board exams.
- Edit and proofread: Finally, before submitting the questions, ensure that they are free of spelling and grammar errors. Review the questions and make sure they are well-constructed and easy to understand.
By following these author guidelines, you can create a comprehensive and accurate quiz on endocrinology that will be helpful for those preparing for the boards or those seeking to improve their knowledge in this field.
Journal Club
Submitting a journal club presentation can be a valuable way to contribute to the medical community’s understanding of endocrinology research. To ensure that your submission is of high quality and meets the standards of our platform, please follow these author guidelines:
- Title and author information: Include a clear and concise title for your presentation, as well as the names and affiliations of all authors. Please also provide contact information for the corresponding author.
- Background and objectives: Provide a brief summary of the background and objectives of the study you will be presenting. This should include a clear statement of the research question, why it is important, and what the study aimed to achieve.
- Methods: Describe the methods used in the study, including the study design, sample size, inclusion/exclusion criteria, and any relevant interventions or procedures. Please also include information on how the study was analyzed, including any statistical methods used.
- Results: Summarize the key findings of the study, including any significant results and effect sizes. Please also provide any relevant data or graphs to support your presentation.
- Discussion: Provide a thoughtful and critical analysis of the study, including any strengths, weaknesses, limitations, and potential implications for clinical practice or future research.
- Conclusion: Summarize the key takeaways from the study and your presentation, and provide any recommendations or areas for further study.
- References: Include a list of all references cited in your presentation, formatted in accordance with the preferred style for our platform.
In addition to these guidelines, please ensure that your presentation is well-organized, clearly written, and visually engaging. All images and figures should be high-quality and clearly labeled, and any statistical analyses should be clearly explained. Finally, please ensure that your presentation is free of any plagiarism or other ethical issues.
Submitting a journal club presentation can be a valuable opportunity for you to contribute to the endocrinology community, and we look forward to receiving your submission.