- Version 1
- Download 214
- File Size 7.1 MB
- Create Date October 2, 2021
- History Trivia (Endocrinology)
Jeopardy is a beloved game show on TV where contestants are provided with specific topic-based clues in the form of an answer. Responses must, however, be phrased in the form of a question to gain the necessary credit points (awarded as a dollar amount). A wrong guess results in the contestant losing the number of points equal to the clue's value. Watch a short video of this game show
This jeopardy parody game (Jeoparody) comes with a slight twist, in that contestants will be provided with clue-based questions and will be required to provide correct responses or answers to those questions. Similar to the original Jeopardy game, a wrong response results in negative points equal to the value of the clue.