DPC Score for kidney Transplant Recipients

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A risk assessment tool for predicting the probability of post-transplant parathyroidectomy among kidney transplant recipients.
DPC Score

A risk assessment tool for predicting the probability of post-transplant parathyroidectomy among kidney transplant recipients

STOP. The study has not been validated for a patient with the clinical characteristics selected. Interpret the score with caution!

High risk in serial measurement was defined as DPC score ≥13 at two or more time points with at least a 3-month interval during 12 months before kidney transplantation.


Low risk in serial measurement was was defined as DPC score <13 at two or more time points with at least a 3-month interval during 12 months before kidney transplantation.


What is the DPC Score?

The DPC score for kidney transplant recipients was developed using retrospective data from 669 solid organ transplant (kidney) recipients. The external validation cohort comprised a total of 542 recipients.

The DPC score is a clinical risk assessment tool developed using a machine learning algorithm. It is a useful tool for predicting the probability of parathyroidectomy (due to tertiary hyperparathyroidism) in patients who have undergone renal transplant surgery.

How is it estimated?

It is a simple integer-based score that requires the following data points to be assessed prior to renal transplant. The clinical parameters should be measured at the time of admission for a kidney transplant.

Dialysis period in months

ValueD Score

Serum intact PTH in pg/mL

ValueP Score

Serum calcium (albumin-corrected)

ValueC Score

High risk in serial measurement was defined as DPC score ≥13 at two or more time points with at least a 3-month interval during 12 months prior to kidney transplantation.


Namki Hong, Juhan Lee, Hyung Woo Kim, Jong Ju Jeong, Kyu Ha Huh and Yumie Rhee

CJASN June 2022, CJN.15921221

About the Author MyEndoConsult

The MyEndoconsult Team. A group of physicians dedicated to endocrinology and internal medicine education.

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