Levothyroxine comes in a variety of doses, and each dose is represented by a different tablet color. This can be easily remembered using the mnemonic “ Orangutans Will Vomit On You Right Before They Become Large Proud Giants”
Image source @CaseyMcQuadeMD via twitter.
Levothyroxine tablet strengths (mnemonic)
Orangutans Will Vomit On You Right Before They Become Large Proud Giants”:
Strength (mcg) : Color : Mnemonic (Memory device)
- 25mcg : Orange (Orangutans)
- 50mcg : White (Will)
- 75mcg : Violet (Vomit)
- 88mcg : Olive (On)
- 100mcg : Yellow (You)
- 112mcg : Red (Right)
- 125mcg : Brown (Before)
- 137mcg : Turquoise (They)
- 150mcg : Blue (Become)
- 175mcg : Lilac (Large)
- 200mcg : Pink (Proud)
- 300mcg : Green (Giants)
The white tablet (50mcg) has no color dyes and may be preferred in patients who react to other tablet strengths.
Colors of levothyroxine tablets (An infographic)

National Center for Biotechnology Information. PubChem Compound Summary for CID 5819, Levothyroxine. https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Levothyroxine. Accessed May 22, 2022.
Images(s) Courtesy