Common Etiologies

  • Tumors / Mass Lesions
    • Craniopharyngioma
    • Dysgerminoma (germinoma)
    • Glioma (e.g., hypothalamic, optic nerve, third ventricle)
    • Meningioma
    • Suprasellar extension of a pituitary tumor
    • Sellar chordoma
    • Hamartoma
    • Gangliocytoma
    • Ependymoma
    • Metastatic neoplasm
  • Cystic / Inflammatory / Granulomatous Lesions
    • Suprasellar arachnoid cyst
    • Lymphocytic hypophysitis
    • Granulomatous diseases (sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, Langerhans cell histiocytosis, Wegener granulomatosis)

Endocrine and Non-Endocrine Sequelae

  1. Visual Pathway Involvement
    • Proximity to the optic chiasm → potential vision loss (bitemporal hemianopsia or other field defects), headaches, and recurrent emesis.
  2. Hypothalamic Dysfunction
    • The hypothalamus controls appetite, sleep–wake cycle, water metabolism, thermoregulation, anterior pituitary function, circadian rhythms, and autonomic inputs.
    • Mass lesions may disrupt one or multiple hypothalamic regions (preoptic, supraoptic, tuberal, mammary) or zones (periventricular, medial, lateral).
  3. Examples of Specific Regional Involvement
    • Posterior Hypothalamus (Mammary Region): Damage → hypersomnolence.
    • Anterior Hypothalamus (Preoptic Region): Hyperactivity, insomnia, altered sleep–wake cycle, dysthermia (acute hyperthermia or chronic hypothermia).
    • Ventromedial Hypothalamus: Lesions → hyperphagia, obesity (destruction of the satiety center).
    • Lateral Hypothalamus: Lesions → hypophagia, weight loss, cachexia (destruction of feeding centers).
  4. Diabetes Insipidus (DI)
    • From destruction of vasopressin-producing magnocellular neurons (supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei) or disruption of the pituitary stalk.
    • Polydipsia/hypodipsia from damage to osmoreceptors in anterior medial/lateral preoptic regions.
  5. Anterior Pituitary Dysfunction
    • Lesions of the tuberal region / floor of the third ventricle → secondary hypothyroidism, secondary adrenal insufficiency, secondary hypogonadism, and GH deficiency.
    • Hyperfunction Syndromes: Certain hypothalamic tumors (hamartomas, gangliocytomas, germ cell tumors) may secrete releasing hormones (e.g., GnRH → precocious puberty; CRH → Cushing syndrome; GHRH → acromegaly).
Pituitary Gland and its Function



  • Epidemiology: Most common tumor in the pituitary region in children/adolescents; ~3% of all intracranial tumors (~10% of childhood brain tumors).
  • Pathology: Benign epithelioid tumor from squamous remnants of Rathke pouch. Can be large (>6 cm), often suprasellar, sometimes invading the third ventricle.
  • Location: Usually above the sella turcica, compressing the optic chiasm; can also be intrasellar, eroding the sella floor.

Clinical Presentation

  • Mass Effect
    • Vision loss (chiasm compression)
    • Diabetes insipidus (hypothalamic/stalk invasion)
    • Hypothalamic dysfunction (obesity, hyperphagia, hypersomnolence, temperature regulation disturbances)
    • Anterior pituitary insufficiency (GH deficiency, hypogonadism, adrenal insufficiency, hypothyroidism)
    • Hyperprolactinemia (stalk effect)
    • Signs of increased intracranial pressure (headache, projectile vomiting, papilledema)
    • Hydrocephalus (obstructed CSF flow)
    • Cranial nerve palsies (cavernous sinus involvement)
Anatomical relations of the pituitary gland

Imaging and Histology

  • Skull Radiographs/CT: Irregular suprasellar calcifications.
  • MRI: Multilobulated cystic structure (often cholesterol-rich fluid). May be primarily suprasellar or extend intrasellar.
  • Pathology: Whorls/cords of epithelial cells in a loose stellate network, sometimes with keratohyalin (adamantinomatous variant).

Treatment and Prognosis

  • Options: Observation (in selected cases), transsphenoidal or craniotomy resection, stereotactic radiotherapy, or combinations thereof.
  • Complications: Post-treatment anterior/posterior pituitary hormone deficits are common.
  • Recurrence: ~40% due to tumor adherence to surrounding structures, requiring long-term follow-up.


Typical Visual Disturbance

  • Bitemporal Hemianopsia
    • Most frequent result of suprasellar extension.
    • Tumor compresses the crossing nasal fibers at the central chiasm.

Variations in Chiasmal Position

  • Prefixed / Postfixed / Lateral Displacements
    • Different chiasm positions can alter the pattern of visual field defects (e.g., homonymous hemianopsia if optic tract is compressed, bilateral central scotomas if posterior chiasm is affected).
  • Other Visual Defects
    • Unilateral central scotoma, amblyopia in one eye, or inferior quadrantanopia if specific chiasm regions or optic pathways are compressed.

Recovery and Limitations

  • If the pressure is relieved surgically or medically, vision may improve depending on the degree/duration of tract compression.
  • A tough diaphragma sellae or higher position of the chiasm may delay onset of visual symptoms but may allow lateral or inferior tumor extension.



  1. Lymphocytic Hypophysitis
    • Autoimmune; often in late pregnancy or postpartum.
    • Causes pituitary enlargement, headaches, hormone deficiencies (often ACTH deficiency).
    • MRI: Homogeneous, enhancing sellar mass that may involve the stalk.
    • Variable recovery; some have permanent deficits, others regain partial function.
  2. Granulomatous Disorders
    • Sarcoidosis, Tuberculosis, Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis, Wegener Granulomatosis
    • Can involve hypothalamus, pituitary stalk, gland → hypopituitarism (including DI).
  3. Head Trauma
    • Skull base fracture, stalk section, traumatic vasospasm → pituitary infarction.
    • Leads to anterior/posterior pituitary failure of varying degrees.
  4. Iron Overload
    • Hemochromatosis, hemosiderosis → iron deposition in pituitary (siderosis), often selectively impairing gonadotropin secretion.
  5. Empty Sella Syndrome
    • Secondary: Post-surgical, post-radiation, or post-infarction enlargement of the sella with no substantial gland filling it.
    • Primary: Defect in diaphragm sellae allows CSF to enter/enlarge the sella (may accompany benign intracranial hypertension).
    • Often pituitary function remains intact, with the gland compressed against the sellar floor.
  6. Genetic/Developmental Anomalies
    • Transcription Factor Mutations (HESX1, LHX3, LHX4, PROP1, POU1F1, TBX19) → combined pituitary hormone deficiencies.
    • Midline Anomalies: Cleft palate, encephalocele, optic nerve hypoplasia; can cause pituitary aplasia/hypoplasia or ectopic gland.

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